Pediatrics to
Adult Care

Tips for Transitioning from Pediatrics to Adult Care

People with congenital heart disease need continued care throughout their lives and are best served by clinicians who understand and are trained to care for their unique and complex needs.

Children’s Mercy and Saint Luke’s are partnering to provide a seamless transition from pediatric to adult care.

Beginning the process

A Children’s Mercy transition nurse, with experience in cardiology and special training in the teen transition process, works with the Saint Luke’s team to begin the transfer process.

At your routine visits, your care team will provide education about the transition process to help you gradually get ready. They will provide resources like health education, diagnosis-specific information, medication education and management, and support groups for both you and your caregivers.

Transferring to an adult provider

Once you and your team feel you are ready to transfer care, we will set up a telehealth appointment with a Children’s Mercy provider, nurse coordinator, and a Saint Luke’s coordinator. This meeting helps to make sure everyone is on the same page and understands your unique needs.

We develop a plan that is specific to you based on your personal learning needs and transition goals. Your caregiver is an important part of the transition process and we offer support to them as well.

We aim to make sure you have a good knowledge of your medical condition, including any corrective surgery, ongoing medical management, lifestyle choices, and health care.